Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Howl-o-ween!

Happy Howl-o-ween! 

Banjo & Millie
Millie the Gray Squirrel
Banjo, the Biggest Pumpkin

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Banjo + Millie's Belle Isle Adventure

We had a gorgeous warm fall day free, and what better way to spend it than lazing on the rocks by the river? So we packed up the munchkins and headed over to Belle Isle to enjoy some warm fall sunshine. A picture perfect way to spend a picture perfect day! Couldn't ask for a better Saturday!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bark Off = Rip Off

Among Millie's many bad manners, barking is one of the top. Millie loooooves to hear her own voice, and she uses it often. 

So the other day while in PetSmart,I asked the employee if he could recommend a product that would help deter her barking. He pointed me to the "As Seen on TV" product Bark Off  and said it worked pretty well.

Au contraire, my PetSmart friend.

Bark Off in fact may have even made Millie bark more. She hears the high pitched noise, and it's just irritating enough to make her whine then bark even harder to try to shut it up! All in all, a good $9.99 down the drain, and a dog that just might have learned to just bark harder.