Sunday, February 26, 2012

Laying Rumors to Rest

Here we have it, proof that Banjo does, in fact, have teeth. Approximately six teeth.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

What Vacation Means...

I recently had the good fortune of taking a nice long weekend to a cabin at Wintergreen with my friends and family, and for the first time, Banjo and Millie got to come too! Now I'm pretty sure I know what a good vacation means to me (see first photo: snuggled up fireside with a good book and Millie in my lap), but I was surprised to see what Millie had in mind for vacay (see second photo: beer). I guess they grow up fast.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Banjo is so totally busted.

He tries to play it cool, but this picture is worth a thousand woofs. Wait for it...

He... actually... loves... his... sister.

I promised him I wouldn't show this photo to anyone due to its embarrassing nature so do me a favor and don't tell him I showed you, ok?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Furry Valentine

It's that time of year again! Time to tell your best friend how much you love them (as if you didn't already do that 50 times a day anyways...). And while you're at it, there might be a few Valentine's for you to enjoy too. Without further ado, here are Banjo and Millie's Valentine's Day 2012 Top Ten Picks!

(Wish Daisy)
(i lick you // Gypsy Tailor)

(Rhubarb Paper Company // Bubby and Bean)

(Hot Dogs Couture)

(Simply Silhouettes)


(Silly Buddy // Chloe's Collars)

(R.E. Stowe)

(Schmetz Petz)

(Tiny Confessions)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Say Grace

This is such a sweet video. My sister sent it to me and it just brightened up my day. Enjoy!