Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Great Escape!

Need a good laugh? Or course you do! Look no further (and make sure you watch the whole thing!!!):


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Through My Dog's Eyes

It's been another year without my little Samantha girl. I know, each year I write about her on this day. It seems a bit morbid to commemorate the day she passed, but to me, it's more a tribute to the sweet little Sammy that I held so dear - and a chance to share my love for her with all of you! She was my best friend, for that matter, everyone's best friend. Her love knew no bounds. She could make you feel like the most important person in the world, the way only your dog can do. We so often take this unconditional love for granted. We expect it because we grow used to it, but I wanted to take time out to remember what a blessing it is to have a dog. Their love is a reminder of all that is good in the world, and they make us better people. I know my Samantha made me a better person, and I can't thank her enough for everything she taught me. She loved me no matter what. And I loved her, and always will.

So in Sammy's memory, I ask that we all consider too just how much our dogs love us, and how much they give unconditionally to us. And then let that serve as a daily reminder of how we too should see the world. Through our dogs' eyes.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Does Life Get Any Better?

I have to ask myself this question often. Because, I mean, really, does it? This past weekend, I got to take off to the Eastern shore of VA, back to my family roots, to a tiny town on the Chesapeake Bay called Onancock. The hubs and I piled the pups in the car and the bikes on top, and headed off across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge for a quiet weekend at my aunt's beautiful home. There we got to spend beautiful slow, quiet mornings sitting in rocking chairs on the front porch, cup of coffee in hand, pups by our side. We kayaked, we rode bikes, we ate ice cream, we sat with our feet dangling off the docks. And, vacation isn't complete without Banjo and Millie. Though it was a little too warm for them to appreciate it for the most part, I think they enjoyed themselves. What do you think?

All smiles!
Do we look alike?

She might be getting a little cabin fever. Or maybe she's just crazy.

Ok, a few more smiles!