Tonight, my husband and I decided to take Millie on her first walk around the neighborhood. I felt that after being home all day alone, she was ready to try her leash out not only for exercise and a potty break, but to expand her little puppy horizons. So we put her in her little puppy harness, and Banjo on his big boy leash.
We began our walk, and Banjo, the amazingly good boy that he is, goes right off to do his business. Of course, we could only hope that Millie might learn from her big brother. Wishful thinking. The stimulation from the walk must have been too much because Millie would stop every 10 feet or so, sit down, perk her ears up and look around, taking it all in.
When the walk was over, she hadn't completed her business, so we came in for a couple minutes to take a break and let her little brain calm down some to allow her to focus on the task at hand. Not minutes after we came inside, Millie runs to the corner of the room and proceeds to poop just out of our sight. Lesson learned? Never take your eyes off a puppy who needs to poop, not even for 10 seconds. She will find a dimly lit corner and drop a stealth bomb on you.
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